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Please make me pretty, I don't want to die (Princeton University Press, 2022)





Nearness (The New Delta Review, 2022) 





Poems for a Sesquicentennial: The Signet Society 1870-2020 (Thornwillow Press, 2020; co-edited with Alex Cohen)



Poetry (Selected):


'Poem about My Life Mattering',

'Aria', 'Aria', 'Poetry in America'Lana Turner 

'Second Sonnet', The Paris Review

'Frenzy' and 'American Elegy'The Baffler 

'Kids Play Outside and I Write Kaiju Dreams'Lolwe 

'Connecticut', 'Song', 'My Brother Does Not Return for My Mother's Fiftieth', The New England Review

'Near it'The Night Heron Barks

'After History'Brittle Paper

'Vertebrae' and 'Good Long Poem', Afternoon Visitor

'Prayer', Postscript 




'40 Granite Street'Strange Matters 
'Take Care of Each Other', Harvard Magazine
'A Brain from A Blue Cooler Box'Harvard Magazine 
'Teaching Hip-Hop in China', Harvard Magazine

'Gaborone, [Botswana]'The Harvard Advocate 





'Poet of the Week' (September 19–25, 2022), Brooklyn Poets

‘Before the First Book: A Roundtable Discussion’ (by Patrycja Humienik, with Sarah Ghazal Ali and Erin L. McCoy)The Rumpus





Grolier Poetry Book Shop (hosted by Josh Bell, with Darius Atefat-Peckham, Isabel Duarte-Gray)

Bone Music Virtual Reading Series, Episode #3: Young Poets (hosted by Joel Peckham, with Athena Nassar, Darius Atefat-Peckham and Rajon Staunton


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